A Chinese scientist’s claims to have created the world’s first genetically edited babies have injected a new sense of urgency into the discussions about ethics and social and personal responsibility surrounding the capacity to create and genetically modify human embryos
За прошедшие 25 лет с момента, как туберкулёз (ТБ) был объявлен глобальной чрезвычайной ситуацией, директивные органы и специалисты в области здравоохранения уделили много времени обсуждению путей для его искоренения. Только за последние два года они провели переговоры в Москве, Брюсселе, Нью-Дели и, совсем недавно, в сентябре, на Генеральной Ассамблее ООН в Нью-Йорке, где они созвали первое заседание высокого уровня по сдерживанию туберкулёза
In the 25 years since tuberculosis (TB) was declared a global-health emergency, policymakers and health-care professionals have devoted considerable time discussing ways to eliminate it. Over the last two years alone, they have held talks in Moscow, Brussels, New Delhi, and, most recently, in September at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where they convened for the first-ever high-level meeting on TB containment.
Об этом автор Forbes.kz поговорил со специалистом в области биомедицинских и медико-демографических исследований, международного здравоохранения и больничного управления доктором Алмазом Шарманом
Global health is once again in the spotlight. In September, the United Nations General Assembly convened two high-level meetings – one on ending tuberculosis (TB), and the other on fighting noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). It was the first time ever that the UN featured two health crises so prominently on its annual agenda
It has been three years since world leaders committed to one of the boldest goals ever set in global public health: achieving universal health coverage by 2030. Achieving this objective will mean that every person in every community has access to affordable care, both to prevent them from falling ill and to treat them when they do