Aliya Bizhanova

Almaty Management University researcher, OECD consultant

Numerous studies prove: the most important factor in student performance is a teacher
12 июля 2023 6 мин. 35651
It is obvious that the education system will not be the same as before COVID-19
12 мая 2020 5 мин. 12338
2019 has become a representational year for Kazakhstan education system. Results of the most prominent international assessment tests have been published, including PISA, TALIS, ICILS and PIAAC. Kazakhstan has scored low by many indicators. What do these results tell us?
06 мая 2020 6 мин. 18971
In 2018 Kazakhstan came down to 69th place out of 77 countries in the international assessment of functional literacy called PISA conducted by the OECD
29 апреля 2020 3 мин. 11428
Numerous studies prove: the most important factor in student performance is a teacher
12 июля 2023 6 мин. 35651
2019 has become a representational year for Kazakhstan education system. Results of the most prominent international assessment tests have been published, including PISA, TALIS, ICILS and PIAAC. Kazakhstan has scored low by many indicators. What do these results tell us?
06 мая 2020 6 мин. 18971
It is obvious that the education system will not be the same as before COVID-19
12 мая 2020 5 мин. 12338
In 2018 Kazakhstan came down to 69th place out of 77 countries in the international assessment of functional literacy called PISA conducted by the OECD
29 апреля 2020 3 мин. 11428
Numerous studies prove: the most important factor in student performance is a teacher
12 июля 2023 6 мин. 35651 Репостов в соцсетях: 29
2019 has become a representational year for Kazakhstan education system. Results of the most prominent international assessment tests have been published, including PISA, TALIS, ICILS and PIAAC. Kazakhstan has scored low by many indicators. What do these results tell us?
06 мая 2020 6 мин. 18971 Репостов в соцсетях: 2
It is obvious that the education system will not be the same as before COVID-19
12 мая 2020 5 мин. 12338 Репостов в соцсетях: 0
In 2018 Kazakhstan came down to 69th place out of 77 countries in the international assessment of functional literacy called PISA conducted by the OECD
29 апреля 2020 3 мин. 11428 Репостов в соцсетях: 0

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