Aiman Temirova

Water Resources Specialist

We are used to hearing that natural resources such as oil and gas, minerals and metals are limited and that we might run out very soon. Unfortunately, we often forget that water is also a natural resource, which is vital for all living creatures
05 сентября 2016 0 20909
We are used to hearing that natural resources such as oil and gas, minerals and metals are limited and that we might run out very soon. Unfortunately, we often forget that water is also a natural resource, which is vital for all living creatures
05 сентября 2016 0 20909
We are used to hearing that natural resources such as oil and gas, minerals and metals are limited and that we might run out very soon. Unfortunately, we often forget that water is also a natural resource, which is vital for all living creatures
05 сентября 2016 0 20909 Репостов в соцсетях: 0

У автора нет статей, опубликованных в журнале Forbes Kazakhstan

8 сентября родились
Азат Перуашев
председатель партии "Ак жол", депутат мажилиса
Forbes Video

Forbes Kazakhstan продолжает серию интервью в рамках рубрики Q&A. На этот раз бизнес-аналитик Батырхан Тогайбаев поговорил с известным отечественным бизнесменом Кайратом Мажибаевым

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