Arman N. Shaikenov

Linkage & Mind Law firm partner, KIMEP University Law school Adjunct lecturer

Law on Arbitration of 8th April, 2016 (Arbitration law), passed in Kazakhstan together with the new Civil Procedure Code (CPC) of the same date and enacted 19th April, 2016 constitute the new environment for foreign and domestic arbitrations in the country
12 июня 2017 0 11084
Law on Arbitration of 8th April, 2016 (Arbitration law), passed in Kazakhstan together with the new Civil Procedure Code (CPC) of the same date and enacted 19th April, 2016 constitute the new environment for foreign and domestic arbitrations in the country
08 июня 2017 0 11237
Law on Arbitration of 8th April, 2016 (Arbitration law), passed in Kazakhstan together with the new Civil Procedure Code (CPC) of the same date and enacted 19th April, 2016 constitute the new environment for foreign and domestic arbitrations in the country
08 июня 2017 0 11237
Law on Arbitration of 8th April, 2016 (Arbitration law), passed in Kazakhstan together with the new Civil Procedure Code (CPC) of the same date and enacted 19th April, 2016 constitute the new environment for foreign and domestic arbitrations in the country
12 июня 2017 0 11084
Law on Arbitration of 8th April, 2016 (Arbitration law), passed in Kazakhstan together with the new Civil Procedure Code (CPC) of the same date and enacted 19th April, 2016 constitute the new environment for foreign and domestic arbitrations in the country
08 июня 2017 0 11237 Репостов в соцсетях: 0
Law on Arbitration of 8th April, 2016 (Arbitration law), passed in Kazakhstan together with the new Civil Procedure Code (CPC) of the same date and enacted 19th April, 2016 constitute the new environment for foreign and domestic arbitrations in the country
12 июня 2017 0 11084 Репостов в соцсетях: 0

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