Inside a four-story, sumptuously restored 19th-century town house in the historic Mount Vernon district of Baltimore, three of Wall Street’s best stock pickers are roasting each other in a wood-paneled boardroom as sunlight streams through stained-glass windows
STOCKHOLM – Earlier this month, a bleak global assessment of the shocking state of life on Earth made headlines worldwide. According to the report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), about 12% of all known animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. Worse still, humanity is destroying entire habitats, and with them the web of life that supports societies and economies. Unsurprisingly, the findings were greeted with despair
Спрос в Европе на экологически чистое сельхозсырьё стабилен, а цены высоки, так что органический сектор для отечественных аграриев привлекателен, но для взрывного роста числа его участников нужно решить целый ряд проблем – и организационных, и законодательных